On piracy – by Ivory Quinn

Now that I’ve got access to write freely on this blog (thanks Rivka!) I thought I’d raise a topic that has come to my attention a couple of times over the last few months, but which has exploded onto my radar this morning in the worst kind of way. Ebook piracy. We all know it…

Go team squirrel! (Wagonalice)

Tonight I attended a storytelling evening at a local cafe (Velocity Cafe on St Stephens Brae in Inverness). It was a really lovely evening, all based on stories the involve cafes in some form of another. The organisers have a blog at wagonalice.wordpress.com where they encourage people to submit their own short stories about cafe…

All the busy things

I realise I haven’t done a news letter for quite a while. In fact, I haven’t really updated much of anything for a while. I feel like I’ve abandoned you all and can only apologise for doing so! It’s been a crazy few weeks. There comes a time every spring when the craft fairs explode…

Tiny feet

When I first met my nephew Charlie, he was only an hour old and I had never been so scared in my entire life. I looked down into his tiny, sleeping face with his perfectly formed little hand clutching my thumb and I was swamped with a fierce and burning desire to revert to my…

Review – Blind Obsession by Ella Frank

Book Review for Blind Obsession by Ella Frank http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blind-Obsession-ebook/dp/B00C9FLJP4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1367683445&sr=1-1&keywords=blind+obsession 3.5* overall (3* for the story, plus extra for the concept) This was another book that was difficult to score. The story follows Gemma, a journalist, who has been summoned to the French chateau home of Philippe, a tortured artist who has been outcast from the…