Starting week 3

It’s Sunday afternoon as I write this, sitting on the sofa in my pyjamas and swaddled in a fleece blanket, watching the Christmas lights twinkling and trying not to go out of my mind with boredom and frustration. Tomorrow will be the start of my third week at home and I’m right smack in the…

Day 5

So it’s day 5 since I called in and in all honesty, not much has changed. The tremor in my hands has almost completely subsided, although it’s worse in the evening still, when I’ve been cooking or trying to focus on something for longer than a few minutes at a time. The dizziness is the…

2 steps forward, 3 steps back

It’s day 3 of being at home and I’m still learning the extent of the damage I’ve done to myself and also the magnitude of my misconceptions. I really thought that I would notice immediate differences and the truth is that there are a few things that have improved over the last 2 days. I’d…

The strongest girl in the world

During an emotionally charged discussion about my health recently, I blurted out “but I’m one of the strongest women I know”. It wasn’t an idle boast. If I’ve learned anything from the last 7 years, it’s that there’s not much I can’t bounce back from with my trademark goofy smile and a cuddle, and we’ve…

Day 1 in the Teal Warrior House

One of the things I see quite often in the PCOS community is a feeling of being alone. We often check in with each other asking if this or that or the next thing is normal. It’s an illness that’s so belittled by the wider medical community at large that often the sometimes overwhelming and…

Vegetable unboxing 10/11/17

I’m sure you’ll have seen all the millions of “unboxing” videos flooding the interwebs. Make up, clothes…you name it, someone is taking it out of a box live on camera. I hope I’m not alone in thinking the trend is a little odd. Nevertheless I will attempt it, purely for the love of my fellow…

PCOS – the reality

I thought long and hard about writing this post because the truth of it is that I don’t like to admit failure. I don’t like to admit that I’m limited. I don’t like to admit a great number of things about myself that I perceive as flaws. I had grand plans for the rest of…

PCOS – Stephanie’s story

PCOS.  . . . a grouping of seemingly innocuous letters, downright innocent on their own and unimportant. Yet, the condition that they stand for and the impact it had on my self-esteem, happiness and health was anything but innocuous, anything but slight. It was only after years of misunderstandings, pain, the confidence of a sea…